Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1 Week!

It is coming to an end. My first term/semester at BYU is almost over! I couldn't be more excited. Don't get me wrong... I have loved being here and have met some friends that I absolutely love. But it's time for a break. I am SUPER excited that I get to go home for 2 weeks... I miss it like crazy! Never realized how much I loved Arizona and being around family until now. It is most definitely time for a 2 1/2 month break!

All that is left is one class session and then 4 finals... Please go by quickly!

Side Note... Don't you just love letters from missionaries? It truly is amazing to me. From almost 2,000 miles away it still makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face. It changes my whole day! I am so grateful for missionaries, their hard work, dedication, and perseverance to serve and spread the gospel. I love watching their testimonies grow and be strengthened as mine does too. Just gotta love them!

*Next Thursday Here I Come!*